Sacked out on Daddy's chest.
Tummy time on the Boppy. we're all done.
Just hangin' out...
Love that smile!
I'm not even sure where to begin I love this little girl so much! She has been pure delight over the past month and is a welcome addition to our little family. She coos and smiles occasionally, is very alert, and loves being held in very certain positions. :) Once we figured out the poor girl has reflux and have made some simple adjustments, she has been sleeping better and has been happier overall. She sleeps best on our chests and also favors the bouncy seat (keeping her upright). She eats well and efficiently. She falls asleep most soundly when we hold her upright and tightly against our chests and sing softly to her. My 'closer' lullabies are Silent Night and O Holy Night. For a while, those got the eyelids to close every time. She loves her Daddy and he often has the magic touch. A couple of nights ago, I could NOT get her to go back to sleep after 4 am. She got very fussy then and nothing I did helped. So I finally woke Matt up and he took her. Within moments she was calm and relaxed and sleeping, well, like a baby.
At last week's doctor appointment, Chloe weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. (birth weight of 6 lbs. 2 oz.) and was 21 inches long (birth length of 20 inches). We're slowly growing out of newborn clothes (though not quite yet!) and graduating to 0-3 month outfits. She's strong and wiggly, though perfectly at peace when she sleeps. She is learning to like her bath (sort-of), and HATES to get dressed with a passion. Once the clothes are on, she's fine. But, oh, wow, those arms! She also despises riding in the car (we think it's a reflux thing). So no trips over 10 minutes for a while! Whew!
Perhaps one of my favorite things about her besides the cuddliness is her expressive cries. She's got the pouty-lip cry perfected for when she's disappointed (Daddy is already wrapped around her finger and Mommy thinks it is just so funny), the furious and ferocious cry for when she's just plain mad, the little chin-quiver whimper for little grievances, the short squawk to let you know that she's slightly annoyed, and the I'm tired cry which also sounds a lot like the change-my-diaper cry. Each cry comes with it's own facial expression. She is dramatic already—watch out!
Chloe Beth, Mommy, Daddy, Jack and so many others love you to pieces. Happy (belated) one month baby girl!