Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Up High

Sarah Beth usually writes these lovely blog posts, but Matt thought it was his turn for a change. We'll see how many of you regret reading on!

Jack loves to go "up high." That means I throw him as high in the air as (a) the ceiling allows, or (b) my arms allow, or (c) other kinfolk allow ("Oh, careful!"). At an Erdel family gathering a few months ago, a certain Peter Ringenberg was there to take family pictures. During some photography which we weren't involved in, Jack asked to go up high, so I started tossing him. (It's an excellent way to keep him out of trouble, at least for the few moments he's in the air.) Peter, ever the clever photographer, snapped a few.

This is how "up high" usually goes — that is, happily:

If asked, I'm sure our KPC friends will tell you Jack kicks his legs furiously while up high. But not all up highs are quite so blithe. Sometimes Jack is ejected a bit awkwardly, and then this happens:

I'll have you know that I've never dropped him, or hit his head on a ceiling, or caught him in a painful way. If asked, I'm sure Jack will tell you the same.


PS For the record, the bystanders in the pictures were not compensated for their excellent reactions to Jack's Evil Knievel routine. However, Peter Ringenberg was, and for good reason: for my money, he's one of the best photographers in the South Bend area, and quite reasonably priced. Check him out here.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Month

 Sacked out on Daddy's chest.

Tummy time on the Boppy. we're all done.

Just hangin' out...

Love that smile!

I'm not even sure where to begin I love this little girl so much! She has been pure delight over the past month and is a welcome addition to our little family. She coos and smiles occasionally, is very alert, and loves being held in very certain positions. :) Once we figured out the poor girl has reflux and have made some simple adjustments, she has been sleeping better and has been happier overall. She sleeps best on our chests and also favors the bouncy seat (keeping her upright). She eats well and efficiently. She falls asleep most soundly when we hold her upright and tightly against our chests and sing softly to her. My 'closer' lullabies are Silent Night and O Holy Night. For a while, those got the eyelids to close every time. She loves her Daddy and he often has the magic touch. A couple of nights ago, I could NOT get her to go back to sleep after 4 am. She got very fussy then and nothing I did helped. So I finally woke Matt up and he took her. Within moments she was calm and relaxed and sleeping, well, like a baby.

At last week's doctor appointment, Chloe weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. (birth weight of 6 lbs. 2 oz.) and was 21 inches long (birth length of 20 inches). We're slowly growing out of newborn clothes (though not quite yet!) and graduating to 0-3 month outfits. She's strong and wiggly, though perfectly at peace when she sleeps. She is learning to like her bath (sort-of), and HATES to get dressed with a passion. Once the clothes are on, she's fine. But, oh, wow, those arms! She also despises riding in the car (we think it's a reflux thing). So no trips over 10 minutes for a while! Whew!

Perhaps one of my favorite things about her besides the cuddliness is her expressive cries. She's got the pouty-lip cry perfected for when she's disappointed (Daddy is already wrapped around her finger and Mommy thinks it is just so funny), the furious and ferocious cry for when she's just plain mad, the little chin-quiver whimper for little grievances, the short squawk to let you know that she's slightly annoyed, and the I'm tired cry which also sounds a lot like the change-my-diaper cry. Each cry comes with it's own facial expression. She is dramatic already—watch out!

Chloe Beth, Mommy, Daddy, Jack and so many others love you to pieces. Happy (belated) one month baby girl!

Siblings—(Mostly) Pure Love

Perhaps the question we hear most these days (besides how much sleep are we getting) is, "How is Jack doing?" A thoughtful question and well, overall he's doing just fine. Adjusting to sharing Mommy, yes, but handling so much change with as much understanding as one could expect from a three-year-old!

Of course, Jack has a plan anytime he wants Mommy's attention, "Daddy (or Grandma) hold Baby Chloe and Mommy hold Jack?!"  

Jack helps burp Chloe, sets out the diaper and wipes during changes, holds her hand and sings while she screams in the car, and reads her his favorite books while I nurse her.  Jack is fascinated by tummy-time (no pictures—this needs close supervision!), and says during her nap time, "I go get Baby Chloe, I'll be right back," many times a day! He loves having her around and feels tremendously special when he gets to hold her. Sadly, she was crying in both pictures (before Jack started to hold her, not his fault!).

Recently, while driving in the car and Chloe was crying, I thought Jack was trying to tell us something. Between the noise of her screaming and not quite understanding what Jack was saying I asked him to repeat it again several times. Finally, I caught the word, "Salvador," and realized he was singing to Chloe one of the lullabies I sing to him at night in Spanish, "Jesus Me Ama." Sweet.

Chloe does not mind Jack in the least. Matt pointed out that next to my voice, Jack's is most likely the voice she recognizes most! She patiently 'endures' his kisses, love 'pats' and gentle squeezes. We have to remind Jack that she is not a stuffed animal! :)

 Last Friday, I took Chloe to her one-month check-up in the morning. My mom came to watch Jack and they had the most marvelous time as always—happy, happy boy. However, I will never forget the look on Jack's face as I drove away. We were blowing kisses to each other, but his face was crestfallen—Mommy is taking Chloe in the car again and I'm left behind. Later that afternoon, Matt was going to take Jack on an errand run and Jack refused to put on his jacket and shoes. Matt and I exchanged one of those parenting looks and Matt wisely said, "Jack, do you want to go with Mommy?" Instant change. Ecstatic boy. Ah, Jack and I had the most wonderful time, singing our favorite worship song together in the car (Chris Tomlin's Glory in the Highest), skipping into Sam's Club and down the aisles, talking about the sky and the Christmas trees already up for sale and about all sorts of little things, and holding hands and just being together. It mattered not what we did. It was truly glorious. He was positively angelic and I don't think either of us wanted our time to end! I realized that I both LOVE having two children AND I miss being able to dedicate my full attention to one.  We're all adjusting.

So Jack, we'll go out again on a date this Friday night...a real date—no errands this time!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Petite Package

We joyfully welcomed the newest member of our family, Chloetta Elizabeth Getz, into the world on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 6:58 p.m. Her name honors three generations: great-grandmother Chloetta Erdel, grandmother Sally Elizabeth Erdel, and we'll call her Chloe Beth after her mother. 

At birth, Chloe Beth was 6 lbs. 2 oz., 20 inches long. 

 Thankful parents.
Excited big brother.
Naming body parts oh so "gently."

 All tuckered out.

Perfectly content.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almost 38 Weeks and Counting

Thanks to my lovely and talented friend, Andrea, for capturing us in these final weeks as a family of three!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Two Vignettes

Scene 1: Mommy getting Jack from his crib first thing in the morning. Jack: Jack's sad. Mommy: Jack, why are you sad? Jack: I went boom. Mommy: Oh, I'm so sorry. Jack where does it hurt? Long pause... Jack: Kiss? Mommy: Where should I kiss? Jack points to his mouth. Mommy kisses it and all is well. Scene 2: Father's Day/Early morning. Mommy and Jack have just rehearsed saying "Happy Father's Day" and enter quietly into the bedroom to wake up Daddy with a card and gift. Jack runs over to Daddy's side of the bed. Mommy: Jack, remember? Happy... Long pause... Jack: Happy... Birthday?! Mommy: Jack, give Daddy a kiss. Jack leans over, gives Daddy a hug and kiss and then starts talking very quitely next to Matt's head. After a minute, Jack says... Jack: Amen. Not bad. Who wouldn't want to wake up to Happy Birthday, a hug and kiss, AND a prayer?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day

When I was sixteen, my Aunt Ruth gave me some of the most wonderful advice (solicited) about whom to marry. I remember sitting around the Stuck's breakfast table in Santa Domingo, Ecuador like it was yesterday (I was visiting my wonderful Aunts, Uncles and cousins in Ecuador for six weeks the summer of 1997—they all gave me the trip of a lifetime!). I asked my Aunt what I should look for in someone to marry and she paused for a moment and then answered, "I knew I could live with just about anyone, but I wanted to marry someone who would be kind and loving to our future children." (I'm sure she was more eloquent than I am able to reconstruct years later, but you get the gist!)

Many others contributed wise counsel on the road to marriage, but I never forgot Aunt Ruth's wisdom. It stuck with me.

Now, fast forward to my senior year in college. Aside from the fact that I was physically attracted to a boy named Matt Getz, perhaps the first quality about him that made me stop and think, "Hmm..." was his genuine kindness. I'll save our dating story for another time, but I've never regretted the decision to marry Matt for an instant, for this and many other reasons.

He has not disappointed. :) Today and every day, I'm grateful for a man who loves his son unconditionally; with the perfect balance of gentleness and firmness. I'm thankful for a father for our son who always has time for Jack, holds him, plays with him, introduces him to "good" music (Chris Thile), steps in when Mommy needs a break and often when she doesn't, sacrifices his own time and needs for the sake of his family, makes his son laugh uncontrollably, reads to him, tucks Jack in at nap and night-time, takes him to the park, the zoo, and for walks, takes Jack on grocery runs and errands, goes to doctor visits, gymnastics, makes up dozens of little inside jokes or games to play with Jack just between the two of them, and fosters a loving relationship with his wife (me!).

I'm challenged by my husband's ability to set loving boundaries with Jack. Matt consistently shows discernment in deciphering best courses of discipline all while meeting Jack's needs. I'm amazed by a husband who does dishes and scrubs kitchen floors or toilets just because he loves us. I'm grateful for Matt's wise perspective and long-term view of parenting, especially when I get stuck in the day-to-day difficulties. I lose track of the times Matt stays in the nursery with Jack (when necessary) so that I can go to church, or willingly takes Jack on a super early morning when 5:00 a.m. seemed to be the "right" time to get up. I think the first months of Jack's life especially, Matt changed more diapers than I did. He cleans up vomit in the middle of the night (not to be too graphic!), and prays for our son. Matt gives Jack freedom to be himself and yet gently pushes Jack to try new things. Most of all, Matt takes care of me (Jack's mommy), so that I have the freedom to be the best mommy I can to Jack.

My husband will probably be embarrassed by this post. I can't help myself. :) Matt, I'm privileged to co-parent our children with you. I'm constantly amazed by your thoughtfulness, care for us, and delight in your son. I'm blessed beyond measure to learn from you and with you about parenting and life. Happy Father's Day.

Beautiful Baby Girl

Family Day at the Shedd Aquarium

If you know my son, you know that he loves, loves, loves animals! Daily he requests a trip to the zoo and every time we get into the car he hopefully asks, "Zoo? Go see lions?" One of Jack's favorite exhibits at the zoo is the Koi pond right after the camels. So I'm thinking, Koi pond? We can do better than that—why not take a family trip to the Shedd Aquarium? Sold. So, on a beautiful, sunny Tuesday morning we ventured into Chicago for a day of adventure.

We had a wonderful, wonderful time. :) Jack was in awe of the fish; BIG fish, sharks, turtles, sea horses, eel, lobster, crabs, anaconda, sting rays, and dolphins. And the frogs. Yes, there are giant frogs haning from the ceiling as well as actual frogs in the exhibits. Jack was excited and kept yelling, "Frog!" Except that right now, the word frog sounds a LOT like another f word. We kept laughing and saying, "Yes, Jack, a F R O G," just to ease the minds of the people around us. It was very, very funny.

Jack spent quite a bit of the day perched on Daddy's shoulders.

Getting sleepy...

Oh so tired.

"Big fish!"

Snack time...

Feeling rejuvenated enough to perform, "Three, two, one, BLAST OFF," in the cafeteria.

One of Jack's favorite exhibits was the penguins. As they waddled up to the water's edge Jack kept yelling, "One, two three, GO," desperately coaxing those funny little birds into the water. Then he would laugh hysterically when they finally took the plunge.

Trying to get a two-year-old to pose...

We spent four straight hours at the aquarium and Jack barely said a word all the way home he was so tired. Later that night, Jack went to bed saying, "Dolphin!" and woke up the next morning saying, "Dolphin!" He still talks about all of the fish and animals he saw and now has quite a few more vocabulary words.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Picture

Hey strangers, we present to you the new Getz family picture!

(Shoes to be filled October 1st. Special photo thanks to Andrea Gregory.)