Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Morning

My little alarm clock woke me with sweet chattering early this morning. Mommy forgot to put a night-time diaper on last night and Jack had soaked through two of three pj layers—so into the bathtub he went! We played with little people and a boat and a watering can and played catch with a bath ball. Then, it happened. A stray ball flew and hit one of the shampoo bottles. Jack died laughing and a new game began—bathtub bowling! Over and over and over again we knocked down bottles. Jack and Mommy were soaked. The bathroom floor was soaked. But it was worth every moment of clean-up to watch Jack almost drown from laughing so hard. 30 minutes of fun later, wrapped up in a blanket of towels, Jack hugged and hugged me as if to say, "I love Monday mornings, Mommy."

Me too, Jack. Me too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Simple Thanks

I'm thankful for many things this week. Here are just a few...

...hiding trucks around the house at night for a little boy who gets so excited to find them in the morning.
...lots of time at the park and on walks, crunching through colorful leaves.
...skipping rocks in the river with my son.
...a new Oat Bran Flaxseed Honey Date Applesauce good-for-you-but-not-completely-tasteless muffin recipe for snack tomorrow.
...story time at the library and reconnection with sweet friends.
...long conversations with best friends living far away and more to come.
...reading endless books curled up with my boy three times a day.
...playdates scheduled.
...a husband who does more than his fair share of dishes.
...a little brother who turned 25.
...running hand in hand over grassy hills with Jack.
...hearing Jack start to chant, "Da-dee" over and over again when we pull up to church (Matt leads worship many Sundays), and then holding Jack back from running up on stage to see Daddy.
...watching my usually very shy son ham it up while handing out candy to Matt's undergrad students on Halloween.
...discovering a train table at the might just save us from winter blahs!
...hayrides and dogs licking the face of my little boy (he LOVES dogs).
...Matt almost finishing the backyard looks gorgeous!
...a new session of gymnastics starting with the same fun moms/dad and kids.
...a new book to devour.
...going to bed the same time as my grad-school usually up all hours of the night husband. :) Night-night...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Big Helper

Jack is my big helper. He helps put the laundry in the hamper, washer, or dryer. He puts away his shoes, books, and toys (ahem, sometimes on the toys!). He loves to help make smoothies, bread, pizza dough, or most recently soft pretzels. He is very into washing dishes these days. He loves to help open doors with keys. He loves to carry things for us. He loves to put the camera cap on the lens. He loves to help Daddy outside with the patio or any other DIY project. He gets ridiculously excited about the vacuum cleaner; unwinding the cord, pushing the vacuum, and wanting to plug it into the wall (yikes!). He loves to push the stroller BY HIMSELF on long walks. Jack helps me at the grocery store, putting produce in the bags or into the cart or onto the conveyor belt. He loves to pay the cashier where ever we go and he'll even put my credit card or change back into my wallet. He loves to put groceries away in the refrigerator and then tries to 'rearrange' it for me. He loves to throw things away in the trash can for us. He loves to flush the toilet (we really have to monitor this one!). I try to get all the help I can get while it's still 'fun.' :)

Helping with dishes while mommy makes breakfast:

We'll call this 'rolling' out soft pretzel dough:


And finally, vacuuming:

Jack, I love having you by my side all day!

Little Lewis

Peter Pan

Monday, October 24, 2011


A few pictures from the past year...

Jack gives spontaneous, affectionate hugs and gives sweet kisses (when asked). He brings me his shoes and coat and runs to the door many times a day. Jack would live outside if we'd let him! He loves to be chased by daddy and rescued by mommy. Firetrucks, tractors, trains and cars are his favorites. Snakes, tigers, dogs, cats, camels, and monkeys are his favorite animals. He's 34 inches tall...29+ lbs., loves the park, long walks to the river, the zoo, gymnastics, swimming, reading books by the dozens, and knows exactly what he wants. He carries around a set of keys like a security blanket. He observes the world around him with fascination. Jack wakes up with a plan in mind for the day and does his best to carry it out! He's two. He's delightful. We are thankful and blessed by our son.